TISD has established four district goals, quoted here directly from their plan, which can be accessed online at http://www.txkisd.net/curriculum/TISD_TechPlan_06-09.pdf:
1. Achieve continuously improved student performance with TISD and all campuses reaching "recognized" or "exemplary" status.TISD plans to implement the following strategies to reach their goals over a three-year period consisting of three phases, quoted here from their online plan:
2. Maintain outstanding community relations and customer service.
3. Provide quality facilities with outstanding technological support.
4. Operate safe, healthy, and disciplined school environments conducive to learning.
Phase I (Year 1) - Continue the upgrade of technology infrastructure to current standards, continue the expansion of staff development with a focus on technology integration in teaching and learning,and meet the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) standards for teachers and technology standards and proficiencies for administrators (Appendices C and D) developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).TISD places a high value on professional development opportunities in technology, seeking to have 75% of their staff trained in the implementation of technology in the classroom over the course of this plan. This is to be accommodated using the newly implemented District technology staff development lab and labs on each campus. TISD is offering trainings in the labs throughout the school year and during the summer. Online professional development opportunities are also being pursued. TISD has assigned at least one Technology Representative to each campus who, along with other qualified staff, provide campus and district technology training.
Phase II (Year 2) - Continue emphasis on expanding infrastructure, staff development, and technology integration.
Phase III (Year 3) - Evaluation and Improvements
Texarkana ISD's focus for technology for the next three years will be in four areas:
1. Teaching and Learning
2. Educator Preparation and Development
3. Administration and Support Services
4. Infrastructure
I was unable to find direct information regarding the assessment of student performance as it related to the use of technology. I do not know how the district ensures that student learning is improving as a direct result of this plan. I do know that several programs TISD is offering have been recognized at the state and national level for improved student performance (http://democrats.science.house.gov/Media/File/Commdocs/hearings/2008/Full/12may/Stripling_Testimony.pdf, http://www.tepsa.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=291).
Based on the information provided in the plan, approximately 72% of the annual budget for the technology plan is coming from local funding sources, with only 26% coming from E-rate funds, and the rest coming from Title II-D funds. I believe that TISD has found adequate local funding to acquire and support their technology goals and the non-discount element of the plan they have established.
TISD has conducted an in-depth analysis of the district's current conditions in each area of the plan, and done a gap analysis to determine areas where the district falls short of its goals. The district uses the following data to compare itself against its goals and make adjustments as needed:
1. Hardware inventory/databaseBased on the elements required by E-rate I believe TISD has a comprehensive and well-organized plan.
2. Software database
3. Networking Status Data
4. Technology Teacher and Campus STaR Chart Surveys
5. Attendance records and feedback questionnaires of technology staff development
6. Review of Management Information Systems (MIS) status and needs
7. Review of existing laws, TEA guidelines, TISD technology policies and administrative regulations
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